Open Skate will be available Starting Monday June 22, 2020
The following considerations and restrictions are being made:
Session Times:
- Monday - Thursday (open to members only): 1pm - 4pm / 4pm - 7pm
- Limited to 25 participants or less per session
- Friday - Sunday (Open to all): 1pm - 4pm / 4pm - 7pm
- Limited to 40 participants or less per session
- Monday - Thursday (open to members only): 1pm - 4pm / 4pm - 7pm
Session Fee
- $5 per session for members
- $15 per session for regulars
Other Stipulations
- Must be booked/paid for in advance
- Available online (coming soon) or over the phone (763 797 5283)
- Parents are encouraged to drop off/pickup rather than hang out to help reduce the number of people in the building
- If your child is young enough to need constant adult supervision, please stay and supervise them. We will have picnic tables set up outside that we encourage you to use.
- Waivers must be filled out prior to entering the park. Click Here to Sign
- We encourage everyone to complete a new waiver even if you think yours has not yet expired.
- No rental equipment is available
- Helmets are required for all riders under age 18 - bring your own
- Masks are strongly encouraged at check in
- Masks are strongly encouraged in the shop
- Please maintain 6ft social distancing at all times
- If you feel ill stay home
- If you have even a slight fever, stay home
- Must be booked/paid for in advance
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